Ball State players rush on to the field through smoke and confetti for the homecoming game against Central Michigan, Oct. 21 at Scheumann Stadium. Ball State lost to Central Michigan, 9-56. Photos for Ball State Daily News
Men's track 4 by 400 meter relay sprints around the final turn in the second to last leg of the race, April 13, at Ball State University Track in Muncie, Ind. Photos for Ball State Photo Services, Marketing and Communications

Ball State faced off Western Kentucky, September 22, at Scheumann Stadium, Muncie, Indiana. Photos for Ball State Creative Services

Wide receiver Riley Miller screams in excitement after competing a catch giving Ball State their first touchdown against Eastern Michigan, Saturday, Oct. 20, at Scheumann Stadium.

Runners charge through a pool during the 3,000 Meter Men's Steeplechase race, April 13 at Ball State University Track during a 12 school MAC dual track meet. Photos for Ball State Photo Services

Ball State junior guard Trey Moses reaches for a rebound against a Bowling Green forward , Feb. 6 at John E. Worthen Arena, Muncie, Ind. Ball State defeated Bowling Green in a last second three point buzzer, 59-56. Photos for Ball State Photo Services, Marketing and Communications

Richmond Kickers face off team Espanyol, at Kickers Stadium, July 25, in Richmond, VA. Photos for Richmond Times-Dispatch

Freshman running back Stevie Scott fumbles the ball and recovered by red shirt senior linebacker Jeremiah Jackson, Saturday, September 15, at Memorial Stadium, in Bloomington, IN. Ball State lot to IU, 10-38. Photos for Ball State Daily News

No. 15 forward Zach Gunn reaches for a rebound against UIndy No. 14 guard CJ Hardaway, Nov. 1, at Worthen Arena, Muncie, Ind. Photos for Ball State Creative Services

Flying Squirrels face off the Lake Erie Sea Wolves, July 19, at the Flying Squirrels Stadium, Richmond, VA.

Avon volleyball players celebrate after being given the IHSAA State Championship trophy. The Orioles swept Crown Point in three straight sets, (25-17, 25-18, 25-18) during the 4A State Championship game at Worthen Arena on the Ball State University campus on Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017. Photos for Indianapolis Star

Wide receiver Josh Miller looks up into the stands minutes before kick-off against Eastern Michigan, Oct. 20, at Scheumann Stadium. Photos for Ball State Photo Services, Marketing and Communications

Delaware State guard Kevin Larkin reaches for the ball, Dec. 29, at Worthen Arena. Photos for Ball State Photo Services, Marketing and Communications