Visual Journalist

Crafty Blogs

I like to write and it is usually about horses or I'll just write. Good luck keeping up!

First and Last Muncie Gras

On the weekends, you can typically find me at The Chug with my friends, eating vodka soaked gummy bears and sipping on a vodka-cran. This past weekend I chose to stay sober-gopher, grab my camera to take photos of the last Muncie Gras and it was my first experience in the wild mess. I went into the event looking for light and I wanted to focus on getting close. I wasn't trying to blend in or be a 'fly on the wall' I just floated and enjoyed the people I photographed.

 I kept my shutter at 1/100th and my ISO in the thousands most of the night. Here are a few of my favorite frames form the long night of working! Check out the full gallery at the Ball State Daily News.

Grace HollarsComment